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Undergraduate and graduate admission Processing


Securing admission and settling down abroad should not be complicated. Our experienced education consultants will help you gain clarity on your choice of schools and the courses to apply for, in line with your education and career goals as well as your financial capacity.
Our admissions processing service involves:

  • A thorough review of your application documents to set you apart from other applicants and secure your spot in your desired program.

  • End-to-end visa support, to significantly improve your success rate in applying for your visa.

  • Pre-departure counselling to help you maximize your study abroad experience and land a job or internship upon completing your degree.

  • We must reiterate that our job isn't done until you are admitted into one of our partner schools and are positioned for success.

Graduate school bootcamp

(only 2 cohorts per year)

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Whether your end goal is to increase your income, change your location or switch careers, we have simplified the entire graduate school application process for you to ensure that you do not waste financial resources and valuable time applying every year only to be flooded with rejections in the end!
With the knowledge from this course, you will learn how to submit competitive Master's and Ph.D. applications that cannot be ignored. To date, our alumni have secured over $ 7 million in scholarships. YOU can be next!
Join the next cohort!
A brighter future awaits you!


Girl Checking Her Phone

We offer a range of free courses in our online academy. Some of these include:

  • The Undergrad Course 

  • 8 Key Things to Look Out For Before Choosing a Graduate School 

  • Cold Emailing 101 


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