Brief Description Combining excellent research with workplace experience, the Irish Research Council’s Employment-Based Postgraduate Programme is a unique national initiative. First piloted in 2012, it provides students in all disciplines an opportunity to bring great research ideas into an Irish employment partner with the support of a higher education institution. We top up the wage of a full time employee with €24,000 per annum to complete a higher degree by research. The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation (DBEI), in partnership with the Irish Research Council and the Department of Justice and Equality (DJE), is pleased to offer the Countess Markievicz doctoral scholarship as a strand of the EBP 2020 call, as per the Theme Information document. What is an employment partner? An employment partner is a business, company, registered charity, social, cultural or not-for-profit civic organisation, semi-state commercial organisation or not-for-profit civic organisation, semi-state commercial organisation or eligible public body with a physical operational base located in Ireland that will employ the researcher for the duration of the award. Employment partners need to be based in the Republic of Ireland and have suitable facilities to host and mentor the researcher. A public body is a public service body with specific scientific or cultural infrastructure that is integral to the conduct and completion of the proposed research. If a public body or higher education institution is an eligible research performing organisation, it is not an eligible employment partner under this scheme. You can search the database for past awards made under the Employment-Based Programme at this link: Deadline is 27 February 2020 For more information, click here
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