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Brief Description The “Guadalupe scholarship” Program, henceforth called “Becas Guadalupe” program, is a project that Harambee ONGD launched on the occasion of the Beatification of the Spanish scientist Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri on May 18, 2019. Its purpose is to promote and give greater visibility to female African scientists, so that they can collaborate effectively in the development of their countries. The program will award 100 mobility grants for African women researchers over a period of 10 years, calling for 10 annual grants that may be applied by women scientists from sub-Saharan Africa for stays of between 1 to 6 months in research centres and universities. The scholarships, financed by public and private sponsors, donations and own funds, will cover travelling expenses to and from the country of residence, accommodation, daily allowances and medical insurance. This program aims to collaborate in promoting the leadership of African women in scientific research, so they can effectively enhance and improve the performance of their country’s research centres, creating new fields of research and new research teams, particularly in the two most challenging areas with the greatest personal and social impact: Life and Earth. The Life area includes research in Healthcare Sciences and the Earth area covers research applied to sustainable development (resources: water, energy; climate change; waste management; sustainable agriculture; etc.). Eligibility Candidates for the scholarships African women, living in sub-Saharan Africa and active in some research group of one university, hospital or other institutions, located in African countries. Doctoral students will also be considered and, exceptionally, graduated students who wish to complete

Master's studies, postgraduate studies, or specialization programs. Deadline is March 30th

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